The aim of this summer course is to give participants all the necessary tools for successful
implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation in their daily practice. It will provide them with comprehensive knowledge of the fundamentals of European data protection law through interactive study of both relevant legislation and case law. The course will combine presentations and practical workshop activities, all led by high-level experts in the field.
Key topics
- The implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR): (extra-)territorial, personal and material scope, key features
- Protection of citizens’ digital rights and available remedies in practice
- How to build a compliance strategy on personal data protection?
- What is the role of Data Protection Officers (DPOs)?
- Data protection authorities’ tools for consistent GDPR implementation: One-Stop-Shop, consistency mechanism, enforcement powers and harmonisation of sanctions, role of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB)
- The EU toolkit for international data transfers
- Social media, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Visit to the European Court of Justice
Participants in the summer course will have the opportunity to visit the Court of Justice of the EU in Luxembourg (General Court) with a hearing in French.
Alternatively participants can choose a visit to the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) in Luxembourg. Participants can choose between a visit to the CJEU or CNPD. The number of places is limited for practical reasons. The places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Who should attend?
Lawyers in private practice, in-house counsel, EU and national civil servants seeking an introduction to European data protection law.
Fees in €:
EU and ERA patrons
Young lawyers and other groups
Discount Voucher Code (see details below)
More details about the fees and discounts
Early registration discounts
10 % before 09.08.2019
20 % before 09.07.2019
Discounts available
25 % - For young lawyers up to 30 years of age (important: the participant must provide a copy or details of his or her passport or identity card on registration); Full-time staff of universities or comparable academic institutions; Staff of charitable organisations or comparable institutions
25 % - Discount Voucher Code
If you have a discount voucher code, please click on the option above and enter the code in the Voucher Field when you register.
40% - For Staff of European Union institutions and agencies; Staff of ERA’s patrons: all EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom), the German states, Scotland and the City of Trier.