Karolina Rokicka
Head of Section - Public Law

Karolina Rokicka
fax: + 49 (0)651 937 37 773
Born in Warsaw, Poland. Studied law (Warsaw University 1994-99, master of law) and cultural anthropology (Warsaw University 1994-99 and Humboldt University in Berlin 1998). Completed postgraduate studies in comparative law at Bonn University (2000-2002, m.iur.comp.) and in European law at the College of Europe, Natolin (2002-2003, MA). After an internship at the European Commission (DG INFSO), began work as a civil servant in the public administration in 2004 (Office of the Committee for European Integration – UKIE – and Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Since 2006 worked as deputy director of the European Union Law Department responsible for representation of the Polish Government before the Court of Justice of the EU, the General Court and the EFTA Court.
Lectures and workshops on proceedings before the European Court of Justice at the National School of Public Administration and Łazarski University in Warsaw. Numerous publications on Schengen Agreements, EU enhanced cooperation and legal aspects of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.
Areas of specialisation:
- Institutional law
- EU law litigation
- EU judicial system
- Fundamental rights
Languages: Polish, English, French, German