8 June 2016
New study on judges' training needs in the field of European competition law
Result of year-long project commissioned by DG Competition from ERA, EJTN and Ecorys
The study was commissioned by DG Comp
The study maps the jurisdictions at national level for the application of European Union competition law. It includes country profiles detailing the competent jurisdictions in all 28 Member States.
It analyses the needs and demand for training among judges and proposes six specific training profiles for judges dealing with different kinds of cases and/or in different kinds of courts.
It highlights the important role of the specialisation of courts in concentrating cases, developing expertise and enabling training to be targeted efficiently.
The study also evaluates DG Competition’s “Training of National Judges” programme, proposes performance indicators and makes concrete recommendations for ensuring that the programme meets the needs of judges dealing with EU competition law in the future.
Main study: click here.
The executive summary is available in English, French and German.