ERA Forum
Journal of the Academy of European Law

The journal’s quality and relevance is based on the articles being drawn from the most outstanding presentations delivered at ERA’s conferences.
ERA Forum offers an excellent opportunity for practitioners, including lawyers in private practice, in-house counsel, judges, prosecutors and civil servants to get a thorough analysis of topical European law themes.
ERA Forum is truly European, from the composition of its editorial and advisory boards to the selection of its contributors. Most articles are published in English; however, articles in French and German are also included with English abstracts.
As part of an online package ERA Forum is available to thousands of institutional subscribers around the world. The quality of ERA Forum is reflected in the growing numbers of downloads.
- Purchase articles online. Articles are published online first.
- Order a subscription here.
- Contact our library if you are interested in issues published before 2007.
- Sign up here for ERA Forum alerts (see column on the right). You will get the table of contents of every new issue published.