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Media Archives and the Right to be Forgotten: App. no. 57292/16 Hurbain v. Belgium [GC]

e-Presentation by Dirk Voorhoof


Foto: Media Archives and the Right to be Forgotten: App. no. 57292/16 Hurbain v. Belgium [GC].


Jahr: 2024


This e-presentation gives an insight into the tension between the integrity of media archives and the right to be forgotten. While the focus is on the ECtHR’s judgment in Hurbain v. Belgium [GC], the presentation focuses on the development of the obligations of content providers, their freedom of expression and the right to receive information.


Dirk Voorhoof, Professor Emeritus Freedom of Expression, Human Richts Centre, University of Ghent, Brussels


  • Video presentation
  • Audio podcast version
  • Duration: 33 minutes
  • Links to all relevant sources of law
  • Access for 12 months after purchase
  • Includes standard version and certified version eligible for CPD points

Filmed at ERA's conference on Elections, Media Regulation, and New Technologies, Online, 13 -14 May 2024.

Technical requirements

The e-presentation should work in any internet browser. If you encounter difficulties, please ensure that you have javascript enabled (go to www.whatismybrowser.com or ask your system administrator).


To obtain immediate access to this e-presentation, please pay by credit card. You can also pay by invoice (bank transfer) but access will only be granted when payment has been received. For multiple registrations, please click here.

Certified Version eligible for CPD points

This version requires you to view the full e-presentation and to take a short quiz at the end. A certificate can then be issued entitling you to CPD points in selected jurisdictions.

If you would like to claim a certificate please send your request to elearning@era.int.

Rechtsgebiet: Media Law

Sprache: English

Artikel-Nr.: 424P33

Preis: 20 EUR

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Mareike Hoffmann
Projektleiterin - Öffentliches Recht
Telefon: +49 (0)651 937 37 414
Telefax: +49 (0)651 937 37 773
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