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ERA Forum Volume 12 (2011) - Number 4

Focus on European Public Law


Foto: ERA Forum Volume 12 (2011) - Number 4.


Year: 2011

European public law: new developments of old principles
Karolina Rokicka

National parliaments within the EU polity—no longer losers but hardly victorious
Adam Cygan

The conduct of subsidiarity checks of EU legislative proposals by national parliaments: analysis, observations and practical recommendations
Philipp Kiiver

Origin labelling in the European Union
Irina Kireeva

Comparative aspects of the application of the principle of State liability for judicial breaches
Kathrin Maria Scherr

Damages under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Angela Ward

Alignment of national government liability law in Europe after Francovich

Bernd J. Hartmann

The changes in liability of EU institutions: Bergaderm, FIAMM and Schneider

Jill Wakefield

Reasonableness of legislative choices and protection against (discriminatory) dismissal of temporary staff: does the approach of the Court of Justice of the European Union to judicial review and judicial control meet high rule of law standards?
Bernardo Cortese

Particularities of the procedure before the Civil Service Tribunal
Julian Currall

La convergence entre les régimes de responsabilité extracontractuelle de l’Union européenne et des États membres
Sean Van Raepenbusch

Leading Judgments 1 July–30 September 2011
Karolina Rokicka, Laviero Buono, Kassiani Christodoulou, Sophie Horton, Daniel Gärtner, Florence Hartmann-Vareilles, Leyre Maiso, Michele Messina, María Pilar Nuñez Ruiz & Killian O’Brien


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