Event fully booked!
This seminar will make legal practitioners familiar with the forthcoming European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), which should become fully operational by the end of 2020.
Cooperation with the EPPO will become part of the practice of prosecutors, law enforcement and customs officials, judges as well as defence lawyers from all over the EU.
Hence, this seminar offers defence lawyers a timely introduction to their forthcoming participation in EPPO proceedings.
Key topics
- Cornerstones of the EPPO related to defence issues
- Defence in cross-border investigations and in EPPO proceedings
- Structure, status and competences of the EPPO
- Legal aid in the EU and under the EPPO Regulation
- Procedural safeguards in the EU and in EPPO proceedings
- Judicial review and remedies in EPPO proceedings
- The PIF Directive and its implementation in the EU Member States
Participation conditions
The number of places available for participants is limited and subject to an application procedure. Spanish applicants who work for the prosecution service must apply for this event through CEJ.
Seminar participation fee
€150 including documentation, lunches and dinner.
Travel and accommodation
Travel costs up to €300 and two nights' hotel accommodation up to
€105/night (16 and 17 October 2019) will be reimbursed by ERA upon
receipt of the original receipts, tickets, boarding passes or invoices
after the seminar. Participants are asked to book their own travel and
These rules do not apply to representatives of EU Institutions and Agencies who should cover their own travel and accommodation.
Who should attend?
This seminar is especially targeted at defence lawyers but also open to prosecutors and judges from all EU Member States.