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Needs Assessment Survey on EU Environmental Law Training for Judges and Prosecutors

8 February 2022


Foto: Needs Assessment Survey on EU Environmental Law Training for Judges and Prosecutors.


ERA and its partners in the project “Cooperation with national judges in the field of environmental law” conducted a needs assessment survey on behalf of the European Commission on the training needs of judges and prosecutors in the field of EU environmental law.

The results will influence the future design of the training programme.

Over 1700 judges and prosecutors from across the European Union participated in the survey, which was conducted in 22 languages. 

Key findings
  • Judges and prosecutors dealing with EU environmental law are not homogenous but have different training needs and priorities
  • There is high demand for more training on EU environmental law even among judges and prosecutors who encounter it rarely
  • Judges and prosecutors prefer face-to-face training but are mostly willing to do more online training in shorter formats
  • More networking opportunities for judges and prosecutors would be welcomed but the existing associations in the field are little known
Click here to download the full report.

