National judicial training bodies from:
- Austria: Association of Austrian Administrative Judges
- Bulgaria: National Institute for Justice (NIJ)
- Croatia: Judicial Academy
- Czech Republic: Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic
- France: École Nationale de la Magistrature, Conseil d'Etat
- Germany: Deutsche Richterakademie / German Judicial Academy
- Greece: National School of Judges of Hellenic Republic
- Hungary: National Office for the Judiciary
- Italy: Scuola Superiore della Magistratura
- Latvia: Latvian Judicial Training Center
- Lithuania: National Courts Administration
- Malta: The Judicial Studies Committee
- Poland: Supreme Administrative Court of the Republic of Poland, National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution
- Portugal: Centro de Estudios Judiciários (CEJ)
- Romania: National Institute of Magistracy (NIM)
- Slovak Republic: Judicial Academy of the Slovak Republic
- Slovenia: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia / Judicial Training Center
- Spain: Centro de Estudios Juridico CEJ, The Judicial School of Spain
- UK: Judicial Institute for Scotland, Judicial College (England and Wales)
Support to ERA’s application was also given by:
- ACA Europe - Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union a.i.s.b.l. (ACA-Europe)
- AEAJ – Association of European Administrative Judges
- ENPE - European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment