The focus of this conference is to present and
analyse the proposed EU AML/CFT reform package, including the new EU
AML/CFT authority, the new EU AML Regulation (AMLR) and the 6th round of
revisions to the AML Directive (AMLD 6) and other existing
- The AMLA Regulation, AML Regulation,
and the 6th AML Directive
- The new AMLA, its tasks and
- The upcoming guidelines
should attend?
Compliance officers, MLROs, FCOs,
risk managers, and private sector
customer due diligence, internal audit and internal governance
professionals, in particular from the financial industry, FIU officials,
AML supervisors, and other EU and national civil servants dealing with
AML/CFT, KYC and financial compliance matters, FinTech lawyers, fund
lawyers, and financial-product design and legal/regulatory affairs
professional in the payment services sector, Business lawyers in private
practice, in-house counsel in the private sector, notaries and company
Online participation
The event will be streamed live online. You have the
option to follow the conference on Zoom, enabling you to ask questions
and take part in the discussion with participants in Trier.
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